A busy start to 2025

A busy start to 2025 with the latest batch of bends from 101.6mm O/D x 8mm wall thickness S355 bent on a 4D radius soon to leave our works.

These bends are for a major UK manufacture of land moving equipment and are used for their ROPS frames (Roll Over Protection Structure).


What Are ROPS?

ROPS are safety features designed for land-moving machinery (such as bulldozers, excavators, tractors, or other heavy equipment) to protect the operator in case of a rollover. These structures are often mandated by safety standards and regulations in many countries.


Key Features of ROPS – Structural Integrity:

Built to withstand significant stress and prevent crushing during rollovers.
Made of reinforced steel or other high-strength materials.


Importance of ROPS in Land-Moving Equipment:

Prevents fatal injuries during rollovers by maintaining a protective zone around the operator.

Significantly reduces workplace accidents on uneven or unstable terrain.

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